July 2nd to 5th, 2024


The ECCM21 conference has been awarded level 1 eco-committed event status by the Eco-Events Network. 

Find here the commitments :


The ECCM21 Conference organizers are pleased to invite you to join us in Nantes, one of the top eco-destinations in France. The city was designated European Green Capital in 2013, a recognition of the exceptional quality of life in and around the city and long-standing commitment to promoting sustainability.


Sustainability and ethical considerations will be placed at the core of the conference and will guide its design and organization.

The ECCM organizers, guided by their professional congress organizer and conference venue host, both certified ISO20121 (voluntary international standard for sustainable event management) will make all efforts to include this dimension as much as possible in the practical aspects of the event, but also in the conference topics, lectures and discussions.

With such approach, they commit to make all efforts to control and minimize potential negative impacts of the conference and to drive positive change through raising awareness, education, technology and creating connections.

The efforts will focus on reducing the carbon footprint of the conference, promoting sobriety in the use of resources and energy, reducing and managing waste,  insuring inclusiveness among speakers and participants.


Learn more about:

  • Nantes Environmental Sustainability, CLICK HERE 
  • La Cité Nantes Congress Center involvements  for an eco responsible and health event, CLICK HERE 
  • Download our sustainability commitments by clicking on the image

ECCM21 Eco-friendly behavior rules


We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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